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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Many people have got bad impressions in viewing/ dealing with mediocrity Ne(u)ro burning rich, or have had enough pains in struggling under mediociry MMMOMMCHHH cultural thinking, until becoming scared of getting hunted into rat racing ring again - then, to safegard themselves in face of being offered with an opportunity, keep chanting, "I don't want to be rich", wishing not to get hunted.
But, sooner they get hunted back on MMMOMMCHH rat-race ring - because, they often think about 'to get hunted'(the word doesn't exist in God's dictionary)"As a man think (often about = wishing for), so he is)". ~ James Allen
Absurd enough is that mostly people chanting
"I don't want to be rich" bra, bra, bra about love, giving, sharing, ecology, charity, mentality, humanity. What they can have to share, give, contribute, except the low-plane limited mentality of a dependant?

Your family, community, country and the planet need better examples of wealthy people, and better examples of poor people transforming to better examples of weathy people. Your family needs better economic status, your community needs greater contribution from you. Your country needs additional tax payers, the planet need greater caring participation from you.
What's a great value to others of poor people who live exemplifying inability to transform energy to manifestation of material wealth sharing with others, but keep inducing others to duplicate thinking "I don't want to be rich". How can anybody who keeps saying "I don't want to be rich" is loved and wanted ?

Never get closed to any mentors to say, "I don't want to get rich". They are not prepared to co-innovate a beggar world. If you just need to get good at self healing, learn it from any BUJEMO ambassadors.

"Why do you have to think much about money ?" Lantaman's mother asked this question to him when he was 12 years own.

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